Students in Temporary Housing
Every New York City student, no matter the challenges they face, deserves an excellent education. Yet, for many students experiencing homelessness or living in temporary housing, there are significant hurdles to their learning experience. along their path to academic success.
Each year, approximately 100,000 students experience homelessness, and investing in their academic success and social-emotional well-being can make a world of difference.
Students in Temporary Housing (STH) are defined as students experiencing housing instability at any point, for any length of time, during the school year. Research shows that this student population faces unique academic challenges. In particular, they are more likely to be chronically absent (missing 10 percent or more of school days in a single year) than their housed peers, often leading to lower academic performance and higher drop-out rates.
Ensuring students in temporary housing receive the support and intervention necessary to succeed requires a whole City effort. The Fund for New York City Public Schools partners with New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) and the philanthropic community on initiatives to support the City’s priority focus on students in temporary housing STH, as part of a broader collaboration across City agencies and community-based organizations.
Private funding provided by the philanthropic community empowered school staff and leadership to partner with parents and caregivers in 800+ schools to become Family Healing Ambassadors, facilitating healing-centered work in schools that support the wellness of students, families, and community members. With the support of private funding, Ambassadors led mental health and wellness sessions and offered wellness activities for families in their schools and received a stipend for their contributions. Building on trauma-informed work with school staff, this initiative represents innovation in NYCPS’s approach to healing and an embodiment of its commitment to partnering with families.